
Frag-o-Matic 25.0



16/02 - 18/02




1. Players bring their own keyboard, mouse, headset, monitor and computer with them.
2. Players must have an active Battle.net account with a legal Europe Starcraft 2 edition on it.
3. Players will have to register their username + identifier when they sign up for the Starcraft 2 competition.
3. Players are required to save all their tournament games. When a round is finished these replays need be deliverd to the Starcraft 2 Compo admin. As long as we don’t have the replays the results are invalid.

General Rules

1. The last official patch will be used in the tournament. Be sure to update your client before packing at home.
2. In case of problems regarding the internet, battle.net, a computer or monitor that game will have to be replayed.
3. Both players will be disqualified if the tournament game isn’t played on time. If you want to play, but your opponent wont, he will be disqualified if you report it to the admin in time. In time means at least 30 minuts before the time limit is reached.
4. If their is a discussion between both players regarding the tournament, both players will have to come to the compo desk and explain the problem to the starcraft 2 admin. He will decide what to do.

Rules regarding Starcraft 2

1. Players are only allowed to pause a tournament game in case of hardware or connection problems. If a player pauses the game without a valid reason, he’ll get a warning.
2. Players are allowed to chat in a tournament game. They’ll have to do this in a proper way and do it with good sportmanship. If a player offends another player, he’ll get warning.
3. Players aren’t allowed to see their opponents monitor. If you get caught while doing this, in any form whatsoever, you’ll be disqualified from the tournament.
4. While playing a tournament game it is required to switch your status to “busy”. If you get caught with another status you’ll get a warning.
5. When you get caught while cheating or hacking, in any form whatsoever, you’ll be disqualified from the tournament.
6. The first map of every round is fixed. More details about this on the event. Everything regarding this will be found on the projection screens and the local website. In case of confusion you can allways contact the starcraft 2 admin.
7. Players can change their round every round. In case of a best-of-3 or a best-of-5 series they can only choose their race the 1st game.
8. The player with the highest seed hosts the tournament game. When the game gets livestreamd it will be hosted by a Bescene employee. He’ll invite both players.
9. Only compo admins and Bescene employees can join a tournament game as an observer. If a player invites another observer in the game, he’ll get a warning.
Frag-O-Matic 13.1 – Starcraft 2 Rulebook
10. If a players disconnects while playing a tournament game, the game will have to player agian, doesn’t mather what the situation was in-game.
11. If an observer disconnects in-game, both players continue with their game. The tournament game has to be continued.
12. The high seed player has to play as the red player, while the low seed player has to play as the blue player.
13. In case of a tie ( dedected by starcraft 2 in-game ) the tournament games has to be player agian.
14. All players start in the tournament brackets, if a player loses in the upper brackets he’ll be transfered to the lower brackets. If you lose in the lower brackets you’re out of the tournament.
15. The games will be played in a BO1 modus. The best of 3 modus starts in the 32 players round. The finals will be played in a BO5 modus.
16. The maps that in the tournament will be used are: Metalopolis, Shakruas Plateau, Shattered Temple, Tal’darim Altar, Testbug, Xel’Naga Caverns, iCCup Neo Enigma, GSL Terminus SE
17. If a player gets 2 warnings he’ll be disqualified from the tournament.