
Frag-o-Matic 25.0



16/02 - 18/02



CS:GO compos: Structure & changes




Starting from Frag-o-Matic 21.0, we will be organizing a different main and fun compo from the start. Participants are encouraged to participate in the appropriate compo. If we see duplicates in teams, we will remove you from one of the compos (ofcourse we prefer not to do that). With this we're hoping to alleviate the issues regarding skill difference and giving everyone a fair compo to play matched according to your skill or ambitions.
Due to this the main compo will be limited to 32 teams. We will still divide the main compo into pro en semi-pro sections, hoping to fill the pro with 16 teams and the semi-pro with the rest. Depending on the number of participants this might change later on.

This edition we will also be organizing 2 Arms race fun compos (1 on Saturday and 1 on Sunday).
The arms race compos will be organized in rounds, where each round will be started according to the schedule provided.
The scoring will be done by in-game points, where we expect a screenshot after each played official match.
After the start of a round, 1 match will be played which is considered official. The others played between that time and the next round are just fun matches and don't count towards the scoring.
Once a next round has started, any screenshot of the previous round will not count for the scoring and give you no points. So send us your screenshots as soon as possible! (Only 1 screenshot per match per server is required)

Any questions or suggestions? Please let us know on csgo@fom.be

Hope to see you there, good luck and have fun!




The ...

Will League of Legends have the same kind of brackets like CS:GO? That if you're not a pro or semi-pro, you'll get directed to a fun compo?

31/01/2019 22:05

League of Legends will have a pro 5v5, a ARAM 5v5 Fun and a 1v1 Fast compo.

01/02/2019 15:29


Not attending

Livid Devils

dus al je meedoet met main kan je niet zakken naar semi pro?? als ik het goed begrijp?

03/02/2019 19:09




oei deze keer geen fun bracket? enkel die kanker arms races..

05/02/2019 23:06




lekker hoor wie heeft dit bedacht?! arms race...

05/02/2019 23:08

Kenai, de arms race is een aparte compo... er is een main compo die na de poules Pro en Semi-pro word... dan heb je de fun compo... en daarnaast is nog de arms race compo...

09/02/2019 17:58


Not attending


Waarom kunnen we dan niet meteen kiezen tussen de pro en semi-pro tournament? Zo was ons toernooi vorige jaren steeds meteen voorbij als we in de eerste ronde wonnen en dus in de 'pro' tournament geraakten, maar in de volgende ronde verloren als we tegen betere teams moesten spelen. :/

18/02/2019 20:26

@Jun Snow,
Pro en Semi-Pro word bepaald door de poules. Dit is altijd zo geweest en zal waarschijnlijk altijd zo blijven. Anders gaat het hele idee achter de poules verloren.
Daarnaast kunnen de betere teams zich dan alsnog inschrijven in de semi-pro waardoor je hetzelfde resultaat hebt.

18/02/2019 20:42


Not attending

Insert ...

Iemand nog op zoek naar een 5e csgo speler voor welke compo dan ook pm me

18/02/2019 23:49

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