
Frag-o-Matic 25.0



16/02 - 18/02



Sign up for the FoM 17.0 funcompo's!




Like every Frag-o-Matic edition we are organising various fun compo's. You can follow the links below to subscribe for these competitions.

Opening funcompo: Free at last! (Sat 00h30)


Your name does not have to be Freddy Mercury if you want to break free. Subscribe now for our Opening compo: Free at last. Free yourself of whatever is holding you back and participate in this awesome event! If you don’t subscribe, then we will have to send you back to the draughty little prison cell you came from and maybe you could just take a shower instead...

Funcompo: The Great Escape (Sat 13h00)


You did it! You managed to escape from you prison cell... but here’s where the real challenge starts: can you overcome the obstacles in the dark, cold and highly-secured FoM-prison, AKA The Rock, where you are being held captive? Quick, subscribe now before the guards capture you and lock you up in the isolation cell! This is your only chance to escape...You did it! You managed to escape from you prison cell... but here’s where the real challenge starts: can you overcome the obstacles in the dark, cold and highly-secured FoM-prison, AKA The Rock, where you are being held captive? Quick, subscribe now before the guards capture you and lock you up in the isolation cell! This is your only chance to escape...

Costumecompo (Sat 19h00)

Dress code prison

At Frag-o-Matic 17.0 Prison we have a dresscode and as the title might suggest this will be ‘Prison’. On saturday the 14th of February at 19h00 we invite you to dress up in your best outfit to match with the Prison theme. We can’t wait to see with which incredible costumes you will surprise us!


Funcompo: Throw it over the fence (Sun 13h00)

Throw it over the fence

Prison fences keep you locked from the outside world. You can not pass them or climb over them because the guards would shoot you down. But maybe, just maybe you can ask someone to throw a knife, cellphone or a gun over them? Or even something bigger, a tool that you desperately need on a LAN party?

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