
Frag-o-Matic 26.0


28/02 - 2/03



FUN - Darts (1 vs. 1)


Make sure you join de FoM discord channel! It’s easier to stay in touch about the compo this way.


FoM will return for FoM 25.0

FoM will return for FoM 25.0

Frag-o-Matic 24.1 animation schedule

Frag-o-Matic 24.1 animation schedule

Grand Compos Prize Pool Starts at €1000!

Grand Compos Prize Pool Starts at €1000!

FoM will return for FoM 25.0

Frag-o-Matic will return from 17th – 19th February 2024 for the winter edition! So put on your winter coat, bring your computer and get warm at FoM ...

Frag-o-Matic 24.1 animation schedule

Our animation team prepared some exciting competitions! Check out the schedule down below.

Grand Compos Prize Pool Starts at €1000!

Hey Gamers!   We're thrilled to announce that this edition Grand Compos are starting with a bang — a prize pool of a whopping €1000!   But wait, there's a ...

Checklist Frag-o-Matic 24.1

Check-in: Frag-o-Matic 24.1 starts September 1st 2023 at 18:00. After opening the doors it’s time to check-in. To go through this proces as smooth as possible please keep ...

Hottest LAN Party of the Year!

🌞🎮 Get Ready for the Hottest LAN Party of the Year! 🎉🔥 🏖️🌴 F Frag-o-Matic: Summer Edition is Here! 🌞🍉   We're thrilled to announce the theme for this year's ...

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Bracket overview

Team A Team B Score Server
Šum VS Cherry 3 - 0 -
StarfXcker VS Peskysander 3 - 0 -
Peskysander VS Cherry 3 - 0 -
StarfXcker VS Šum 2 - 0 -
Pingu031 VS Cherry 1 - 2 -
Peskysander VS Nathanator1108 2 - 0 -
Šum VS Boogabear 2 - 1 -
Squirrel VS StarfXcker 0 - 2 -
Cherry VS Pweak 2 - 1 -
Sadfinder VS Pingu031 0 - 2 -
Nathanator1108 VS Mikelele 2 - 1 -
Peskysander VS D!ablo 2 - 0 -
Boogabear VS 20r_ProNoob 2 - 1 -
Gamblit VS Šum 0 - 2 -
NeoS VS StarfXcker 0 - 2 -
Rorbork VS Squirrel 1 - 2 -
rickert VS Pweak 0 - 2 -
reach1 VS Cherry 0 - 2 -
Pingu031 VS Qntn 2 - 0 -
Bearforceone VS Sadfinder 1 - 2 -
Mikelele VS Grimmwolf 2 - 0 -
Dart_Vader89 VS Nathanator1108 0 - 2 -
Made 1n Belgium VS D!ablo 0 - 2 -
Cmen VS Peskysander 1 - 2 -
thommie321 VS 20r_ProNoob 0 - 2 -
Boogabear VS JGhandi 2 - 0 -
domiBE VS Šum 0 - 2 -
Gamblit VS P.i.R.h.o. 2 - 0 -
Kemdest VS StarfXcker 0 - 2 -
LegenDaryM VS NeoS 1 - 2 -
Mystery VS Squirrel 1 - 2 -
Rorbork VS sypho 2 - 1 -
Pweak VS TheOrc 2 - 0 -
rickert VS aardbei2000 1 - 0 -
Tovenaar VS Cherry 0 - 2 -
Qntn VS PeeJee 2 - 0 -
Beejip1986 VS Pingu031 0 - 2 -
Rupel VS Sadfinder 0 - 2 -
KM. VS Grimmwolf 0 - 1 -
Mikelele VS yenten 2 - 1 -
Nathanator1108 VS arnov 2 - 0 -
D!ablo VS howa190 2 - 0 -
Made 1n Belgium VS GEEN JONAGOLDEN 1 - 0 -
Peskysander VS SampixBE 2 - 0 -
Jeflombaert VS 20r_ProNoob 1 - 2 -
thommie321 VS Elephantje 2 - 0 -
Legendz29 VS JGhandi 0 - 2 -
smoute VS Šum 0 - 2 -
domiBE VS DutchBoyCasts 2 - 1 -
P.i.R.h.o. VS Reggaedub 2 - 1 -
StarfXcker VS Klakman 2 - 0 -
Stantler VS NeoS 0 - 2 -
Squirrel VS PlatinaGuy 2 - 1 -
Waboem VS Mystery 0 - 2 -
cake.xd VS sypho 0 - 1 -

First Place 


  • 1x Alternate Voucher 100€

  • 1x XXL-Nutrition Game On Pre-Workout Mix

  • 1x Alternate cap


Second Place


  • 1x Alternate Voucher 50€

  • 1x XXL-Nutrition Game On Pre-Workout Mix

  • 1x Alternate cap


Third Place


  • 1x Alternate Voucher 30€

  • 1x XXL-Nutrition Game On Pre-Workout Mix

  • 1x Alternate cap

1. General rules


  • Be sure to read the general rulebook. These are the main rules of Frag-o-Matic and should always be respected.


2 - Competition rules


2.1 - Compo Overview

  • Title: Darts
  • Size: Fun
  • Max teams: 64
  • Gametype: 1v1


2.2 - Sign In

  • Sign in will close saturday at 12:00
  • Tournament will start saturday at 13:00


2.3 - Compo Rules

  • Darts:
    • Darts can be optained in the following way: at the bar
  • General Rules:
    • All games will be BO3 from the semi final onward it will be BO5
    • Single elimination bracket
    • Games will be 501
  • Schedule Problems:
    • The schedule must be followed. If a game hasn’t started within 15 minutes of the scheduled match time, the admin may decide to forfeit the game. If both teams are absent, both teams may be forced to forfeit their game.
    • To avoid forfeiting when the opposing team doesn’t show, contact the compo admin as soon as possible.
  • Cheats:
    • Any actions, that results in an unfair advantage, are illegal.
  • Playing fisrt:
    • Who playes first is determined by cointoss or rock-paper-scissors.
  • Win Conditions:
    • The player that reaches 0 first wins.


2.4 - Compo Structure

  • Brackets: Single elimination


2.5 - 501

Each player starts with a score of 501 and takes turns to throw 3 darts. The score for each turn is calculated and deducted from the players total. Bullseye scores 50, the outer ring scores 25 and a dart in the double or treble ring counts double or treble the segment score. The objective is to be the first player to reduce the score to exactly zero, the only caveat being that the last dart thrown must land in a double or the bullseye.

If a player reduces the score to 1 or goes below zero, the score is bust, that turn ends immediately and the score is returned to what it was at the start of that turn. e.g. if a player has 32 to go out and the first dart is a 16, the second is a 15, the player is bust and the score is returned to 32. So on the last turn, it is not necessary to throw all 3 darts - a player can win with the first or second dart of the turn.


3 - Admin Details


  • If you have any questions or issues please visit the compo desk.
  • Sign in will close saturday at 12:00
  • Tournament will start saturday at 13:00


Deadlines (play matches BEFORE this time):

Round 1: Saturday 22:00

Round 2: Sunday 02:00

Round 3: Sunday 11:00

Round 4: Sunday 13:00

Semi Finals: Sunday 14:00

Finals: Sunday 15:00