🚀 Rocket League fans at FoM25.0! 🎮 While we're having a blast at our event, the RLCS 2024 - Europe Open Qualifier #2 is also taking place online. 🏆 To ...
FoM25.0 Winter: CS2, LoL, and Rocket League This winter, FoM brings a frosty twist to the esports world with its exhilarating lineup: Counter-Strike 2, League of ...
We are proud to announce the confirmed compo’s at this time! This list is pretty complete, but can still change of course. These compos will definitely be available on FoM ...
The RIV4L Lan Tour stops at our favourite lan of the Benelux twice. They will return in our September edition! Find out more information about the RIV4L Lan Tour on the ...
Exciting news, there will be 2 extra fun compo’s during Frag-o-Matic 20.1! Rocket League 1v1 and Dragonball Fighter Z 1v1 have been added to our compo list. You can ...
Will be announced in the future...
1. General rules
Be sure to read the general rulebook. These are the main rules of Frag-o-Matic and should always be respected.
2 - Competition rules
2.1 - Compo Overview
Title: Rocket League 2v2
Size: Normal
Max teams: 64
Gametype: 2v2
2.2 - Sign In
Sign in will close FRIDAY at 22:00.
Tournament will start Friday at 22:30
Every team must add all of the Steam account names and seat numbers in the team description!
2.3 - Compo Rules
Game Settings:
Map: DFH Stadium
Team size: 2
Allow Spectators: On full permission of both teams
Game Type: Double Elimination
Name: Team A vs team B. example: Ponyrun vs loco123
Password: fom
Disconnects / Remake:
If a player disconnects or announces an issue before the first 30 seconds in the game and neither team scored a goal yet. The game must be restarted. In any other situation the game continues.
Abuse of the pause function in any way, may lead to a forfeit.
Schedule Problems:
The schedule must be followed. If a game hasn’t started within 15 minutes of the scheduled match time, the admin may decide to forfeit the game. If both teams are absent, both teams may be forced to forfeit their game.
To avoid forfeiting when the opposing team doesn’t show. Take a screenshot of your entire team in a game lobby with the correct name and password and (if possible) invites to the opposing team. Contact the compo admin as soon as you have this screenshot.
Spectators are allowed only if both teams agree to it.
Only invite spectators you trust. Once a game has started protests against spectators will no longer be allowed.
Admins or people assigned by an admin, like shoutcasters, are allowed to spectate any match. It can’t be refused to invite an admin or someone assigned by an admin.
Missing Player:
You need 2 players on a team to play a match.
If a team is missing a player, the admin may decide to forfeit the game.
Any actions, that results in an unfair advantage, are illegal.
This includes bug abuse of any kind.
Picking Sides:
The higher seeded team chooses which side they play.
if this is unclear, please contact an admin.
Win Conditions:
A team wins a game by scoring more goals than his opponent.
Both teams are required to take a screenshot of the after game lobby.
Keep this screenshot saved on your computer during the tournament.
Contacting the Compo Admin:
You can contact the admin via discord ; Jeffaneld
If you can't contact the admin online, visit the compo desk.
Discord: https://discord.gg/zyxzvxN
2.4 - Compo Structure
Double eliminations
Poules: BO3
Upper Bracket: BO5
Upper Bracket Finals: BO7
Lower Bracket: BO3
Lower Bracket Semi-Finals: BO5
Lower Bracket Finals: BO7
Grand Finals: BO7
The finalist coming from the winner brackets is granted 1-0 headstart
The admin is allowed to change these rules at any time without any notification.
The admin is allowed to overrule the rulebook.
Will be created in the future...